Monday, 27 October 2014

Fully recovered!!!!!

Evening my sexual followers!

Just thought I would catch you up on the life and times of myself as I have not blogged in a while.

I am totally recovered!!!! Seriously when I look back 3 months at just how Ill this whole thing made me I can't believe how far I have come and now I can honestly say to anyone who is reading this blog because they are looking for hope during their own experience that YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT and MUCH BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD!!!!

I used to think people that said that to me at the time where full of shit. "What do they know" I'd sob whilst rocking back and forth under my sons Spider-Man blanket and uncontrollably panicing about something I wasn't quite sure about. I thought I would never ever feel normal let alone happy again. I don't think I stopped fidgeting for a good 3 weeks and I would have given ANYTHING for the pain to stop.

Well the pain HAS stopped. It stopped about 6 weeks ago. And I tell you what seeing that horrible nasty woman beating prick get convicted and sentenced was one of the most satisfying moments of my life and now, standing here at the other side of the woods I can strongly say I would do it all again tomorrow. There were times I felt like dropping the charges because it was so painful but I am so glad I didn't now and it was totally 100percent worth it!

For those that don't know he ended up getting 140 hours community service, 12mths probation and 400quid fine of which I get 300 

So since the rebuilding of my life commenced I have so far lost about a stone and got absolutely smoking hot by smashing the gym and eating healthy! I have quit smoking, got a new hair cut and colour, sorted out all my finances, rearranged my furniture, started wearing different clothes and in general just having a more positive outlook!!! Every day I wake up happy and excited for life! Like I feel there is opportunity in every day! I really enjoy helping other people through there own domestic violence experiences as I feel I have turned my own torment around into a positive. And I can't say too much at the minute but Iv got something in the pipe work that could drastically alter my life at the beginning of next year!!

So that's all from me for today! trust your instincts, believe in yourself, take no shit and be whatever you want to be! Xxx

Friday, 24 October 2014

@narcissiticmonst IS NOT ME!!!

Hi guys just a quickie, 
As most of you know I'm being stalked by a crazy guy, overnight he has created a Twitter pretending to be an evil version of myself and is currently using it to tweet random abuse to strangers. I am still @singlegalabto and his actual Twitter account has been suspended. If you have been directed to this blog by the nutter account please accept my apologise, the harrasment was reported to the police a week ago and the sergeant dealing with the case called me last night to say they are taking the matter very seriously they are just waiting for Twitter to release the name and address of the guy so they can go and arrest him.

Sorry once again